Sunday, January 18, 2009

Introduction etc.

Fun and finances do not go together! Let’s face it- when the subject of money is brought up thoughts of terror enter the psyche and folks clam up like you mentioned the word divorce at a wedding reception. It is something that isn’t taught in public school, but should. It is a subject we learn about mostly by observation yet is very misunderstood by a majority of people, and can ultimately be credited to being one of the leading contributors in divorce.

There are many experts out there with books, TV shows, and some that even tour the country speaking at every hole in the wall with a ballroom and shiny pitchers filled with iced tap water. Not everyone has time to read, the luxury to watch all your episodes of “Lost” replaying footage in search for that hidden message you read about on a blog, or can make it to Rich Guy’s speaking engagement of how to make swamp land habitable. I offer a practical approach from both realistic experience and from background as a Financial Specialist during my military career.

Finance can be fun. My goal is to blog about related topics while making it interactive and understandable. Think of it as a reference that you don’t have to dog ear in a paperback, or fast-forward to the segment where Caller A explains that the roommate ate the checkbook and now the rent is overdue by 7 days, or will you have to venture off to Harry’s Vibrating Beds by the Sea to be conned into doling out cash to receive “hands-on coaching” on when to buy property. Who needs that crap anyway? You’re on the internet for a reason, to waste precious hours until bedtime or you’re at work already. Enjoy…

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